//Radio Options $radio_ip = ''; $radio_port = '8000'; $show_song_title = 'on'; // show_song_title: on - off. When it is on, it will show the currently playing song name on the player. $show_album_art = 'on'; $song_title_update = '1'; // The song name update interval in MINUTE form. 2 means 2 minute. That means the script will update the song name and album art every 2 minutes. // Color Options, if you need white or transparent background use preimg.light.png and other .png files in the img folder, set them in js/player.css. $song_title_color = '#049f21'; $player_background_color = '#0b0b0b'; $player_size_width = '400px'; // Minumum 400px is suggested, below 300 the song name will expand if it is long. $song_title_width = '400px';